Visiting Green Spaces A Few Times Per Week May Lower Your Need For Meds

Dog Smiling while Rolling in Grass Outdoors

Photo: Getty Images

Here's Today's Feel-Good Story:

According to a new study, hanging out at a park, garden, or lake could be a good antidote for ill health for people who live in cities.

Researchers found a lower usage of drugs for depression/anxiety among urban residents who visit green spaces often regardless of income or occupation.

“The effects of visiting green spaces were stronger among those reporting the lowest annual household income,” said senior researcher Dr. Anu Turunen. “But overall, the associations found did not depend on household income and educational attainment.”

“These observed associations were weakened when weight was factored in, particularly for asthma meds, as obesity is a known risk factor for asthma,” added Turunen, of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare."

Read more here.

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