Dog Who Saved Foster Parents From Fire Finds Forever Home The Next Day

Photo: maiteali / E+ / Getty Images

Here's Today's Feel-Good Story:

Just one day after Great Pyrenees, Moose, saved his foster family from a fire on their houseboat, he has found his forever home.

Moose saved Shela and Chris Janes who were asleep on their houseboat from a fire that had broken out on another boat moored nearby that quickly spread.

Moose had only been with the Janes for 2 days as a foster dog to give a weekend of fun for their three kids.

Local animal lover Clara Hill saw the story on the news and quickly acted on Moose's adoption.

“We saw that he had been returned, and I was talking to my husband. He was like, ‘Well, go get him,’” Hill told WTKR. “My other animals are welcoming him in, and he seems to be pretty comfortable.”

Read more here.

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