Chris Davis

Chris Davis

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148 Million Blind People Could Have Better Vision With Implanted Electrodes

Chihuahua wearing reading glasses

Photo: Getty Images

Here's today's feel-good story:

A team of researchers from Spain and Utah coordinated to create a device that will restore basic vision to a blind woman by connecting a camera to an array of microchips in her brain.

57-year-old Berna Gomez was able to identify letters and edges of objects following the procedure. The idea is to help restore the sight of 148 million blind people worldwide by bypassing vision with technology.

“These results are very exciting because they demonstrate both safety and efficacy,” said one of the lead researchers, Eduardo Fernández of Miguel Hernández University.

“One goal of this research is to give a blind person more mobility,” said Dr. Richard Normann Ph.D. one of the study leads. “It could allow them to identify a person, doorways, or cars easily. It could increase independence and safety. That’s what we’re working toward.”

Read more here.

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