Photo: Getty Images
Here's today's feel-good story:
A new telephone hotline has been set up to relieve stress and lift up callers with laughter, encouragement, and advice, all from elementary school students.
The Peptoc Hotline was created by art teacher Jessica Martin who wanted to create some smiles in her California community. The hotline became extremely popular and started receiving 300-400 calls per hour.
Calling 707-998-8410 will let you hear different kids from the West Side Elementary school.
“I was moved by the incredible collection of advice and encouragement they gleaned, and how easily and distinctly they were able to communicate it,” Jessica said.
“If you’re feeling mad, frustrated or nervous, press 1,” says the directory. One of the suggestions you’d hear after being transferred is a student saying, “If you’re feeling mad you should take three deep breaths and think of things that make you happy.”
Watch the video below!