Photo: Mexitographer / iStock / Getty Images
Earlier this month, Andrew Budek-Schmeisser adopted Peanut, a Great Dane and pit mix, from a New Mexico shelter, following a friend's advice to get a larger dog to help him with his difficulties walking. The day after the adoption, Andrew fell while outside, hitting his head and obstructing his airway. Remarkably, Peanut helped him to clear his airway by sitting him up and then, alongside Andrew's service dog Belle, helped him get to a chair to recover.
He was amazed by Peanut's quick response and decisive action, especially given that the dog had only been with him for 24 hours. Peanut has since become a constant companion, seeing to his owner’s safety day and night.
The shelter staff were deeply touched by the story. Desiree Cawley, the marketing manager for the shelter, says the story shows that adopting shelter pets not only saves the animals, but also enriches the lives of their new owners.