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Oregon District Shooting: Support & mental health resources
The aftermath of the horrendous Oregon District Shootings has left us all heartbroken, numb and with a sense of helplessness.
It is normal to feel all these things while grieving the tragedy in our beloved city!
In times like these, LOVE & UNITY is what really needs to be brought to the center and spread like wildfire. Many our our fellow Daytonian's need our help and support. Below is a list of community resources to help during this time of healing!
Daytonohio.gov has been a huge asset for the community since the Memorial Day Tornadoes and again coming in strong for the community after the Oregon District Shooting!
The info below is provided by Daytonohio.gov
Family Assistance Center (HelpLink)
(937) 225-3000
Samaritan Crisis Care: (973) 224-4646 provides local 24/7 crisis hotline services and walk in crisis services at 1 Elizabeth Place, Dayton, OH.
Crisis Text Line: Text 4HOPE to 741741 to be connected to a trained crisis counselor within five minutes
Medicaid:1-866-206-0554 (TTY: 1-800-750-0750 or 711)
Medicare:1-866-206-0569 (TTY: 1-800-750-0750 or 711)
MyCare:1-866-206-7861 (TTY: 1-800-750-0750 or 711)
Educational Sessions for Businesses
If your business would like to schedule an educational session for your employees, please contact Jodi Long at Montgomery County Alcohol, Drug Addiction, & Mental Health Resources at (937) 443-0416 or by email jlong@mcadamhs.org.