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Sol's Kinda Camping, Kinda Glamping [Ohio. Find it Here]

Another successful adventure in the books!

<3 camping sm. Nothing like getting away from the real world for a few nights to relax and get in touch with nature. BRO- the stars were a WHOLE experience.

I wanted a FULL adventure -- which means first finding a brand new camping spot that the BF and I have never been too!

So Ceaser's Creek it was! Major shout out to -- legit the best way to plan any kind of getaway. For me, i just searched camping, picked the region in OHIO that we wanted to stay in and BOOM tons of options. Not only for camping but for weekend getaways, cabins and road-trips.

Ceaser's Creek was just what we needed. It was our first time taking our Pomksy, Juicy on ANY kinda of trip (success) & RANDOM- we had no idea we would have water or electricity so that was a bougie bonus! over here making me wish I could just adventure my life away M-F. SO many cool places, the fun is just beginning,

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