Comfort Dental Kidzapalooza Stage
12:00pm - Author of Story Books Kate David
Murphy and the Magical Hat
12:30pm - Hula Hoop Contest Meet Mally Mal from 1067 The Beat
1:00pm - WNCI Morning Zoo Dave & Jimmy Talent Show Presented by Dave & Busters Polaris
2:30pm – Hola Hoop Contest
3:00pm - Woody and the Wake Up-Call “Parents Are You Smarter Than Your Kid”
Presented by The Basement Doctor
4:00pm - Author of Story Books Kate David
McKay and the Magical Hat
4:30pm - Hula Hoop Contest Meet Blazer from 610WTVN
Join us at Polaris Fashion Place for Kidzapalooza 2019 on Sunday, January 27th!
Time: Noon - 6p
Location: Polaris Fashion Place MAP 1500 Polaris Pkwy, Columbus, OH 43240
Activities: Games, prizes, talent show, Woody and The Wake-up Call contest, stage acts, and much more.
One Full Day of Fun and Activates at Polaris Fashion Place Noon to 6pm:
- Supergames with lots of games and activities
- Franklin County Sheriff’s Bomb Squad
- Columbus Fire Department Safehouse
- Giant Games, Jenga, Lite Bright, Tic Tac Toe, Connect Four.
- The Central Ohio Ghostbusters
- Free Boxing Class before Kidzapalooza starts at 11am
Many more activities! Thank you to our sponsors Tansky Sawmill Toyota, and The Basement Doctor.
Dave And Jimmy's Talent Show
Dave and Jimmy’s Talent show starts 1pm on Sunday at Polaris Fashion Place on the Comfort Dental Kidzapalooza Stage located on the lower level next to JC Penney. Come out and help vote for your favorite COMEDY – SINGING – DANCING. Sponsored by Dave & Busters in Polaris.
Woody And The Wake Up Call's Are You Smarter Than Your Kid?
WOODY'S PARENTS enter for a chance to play ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A 5TH GRADE WOODHEAD contest brought to you by The Basement Doctor!