Photo: Getty Images
Here's today's feel-good story:
Onlookers at the Bundjalung National Park in Australia were surprised to see a kangaroo jumping across rock pools on the beach and then stumbling into some rough turf.
“My other workmate, Carissa and I, we were sitting on the tractor and she goes, ‘Oh my God, there’s a kangaroo jumping off the rocks!'” 17-year old Lillian Bee-Young, a new lifeguard who had a surfboard nearby, said. “We were just figuring out what we should do… because we’ve never had that happen before.”
Lillian believed that the kangaroo was trying to avoid some fisherman nearby and got taken in by the surf.
She said she wasn't quite sure how to proceed with the rescue, but paddled out with her rescue board anyway.
Watch the video below!