Quarantine Changed Me.
Used to let stacks of $$$ legit FLY out of my wallet-- going to the spa, facials, and the deal with the devil - dip nail polish. IDK, not really that important anymore. But what is important is getting that ME time, the time to recharge and relax. Like lock the doors, ditch the phone & chill music all the way up -kinda recharge.
So my simple recipe?
- Get the smart speaker blasting Lana Del Rey or Taylor Swift's Folklore - (Chill Vibez only)
- Bust out your fave bath bomb (I LIVE for LUSH bath bombs, they will change your life)
- A few drops of your choice of essential oils (I love Lavender with Tea Tree or Bergamot)
- Baking Soda (a few teaspoons to help with detoxing)
- A cup of Apple Cider Vinegar (to help with detoxing and PH levels)
- 30 min to get full effects (disclaimer: the heat gets REAL)
- After getting out lather in lotion and spray some rose water toner on your face (your pores are open and will absorb better)
- Eye cooling patches (do they really work?- NO CLUE- let me live!)
OH, I just found one of those bath pillows at Home Goods for $4.99 (game changer)
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