Check out these 8 new U.S. Bicycle Routes in Ohio:
1) U.S. Bicycle Route 21 North -- Cleveland to Cincinnati Mileage: 314 Major trails included: Ohio to Erie Trail and the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail Future expansion: Plans are for USBR 21 to connect Cleveland and Atlanta. Within state boundaries, USBR 21 follows the Ohio to Erie Trail and connects the big three Ohio cities of Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland. Incredibly, over 70 percent of this route involves off-street trails. An absolute must for Ohio cyclists to experience.
2) U.S. Bicycle Route 21 South -- Cincinnati to Aberdeen Mileage: 52 Major trails included: Ohio River Trail This route is a southern extension of the Ohio to Erie Trail (US Bicycle Route 21 North). It follows the Ohio River for over 50 miles and ends in the village of Aberdeen near the Kentucky border.
3) US Bicycle Route 25 North -- Toledo to Cincinnati Mileage: 255 Major trails included: Little Miami Scenic Trail, Great Miami River Trail Future expansion: The route is planned to extend from northern Michigan to Mobile, Ala. This long route includes the cities of Toledo and Dayton before ending north of Cincinnati. Much of the ride time is spent in rural countryside and small towns. It includes one of Ohio’s gems, the Great Miami River Trail.
4) US Bicycle Route 225 (Alternate) Mileage: 2.3 This is an alternate route off USBR 25 through Piqua, a city of over 20,000 people. USBR 225 travels along the opposite bank of the Great Miami River.
5) US Bicycle Route 25 South Mileage: 53 This route mirrors US Bicycle Route 21 South and runs along the same corridor between Cincinnati and the village of Aberdeen.
6) U.S. Bicycle Route 30 -- Conneaut to Toledo Mileage: 225 Major bike trails included: North Coast Inland Trail Future expansion: Planned to extend from the east coast of New Hampshire to Montana. A ferry crossing from Michigan to Wisconsin will be included. The green sections in the map below are bike trails. You’ll notice major segments of the North Coast Inland Trail from Elyria to the small town of Elmore, Ohio. There are also two trail segments of Cleveland Lakefront Bikeway and the recently completed lakefront trail in Euclid.
7) US Bicycle Route 230 -- Rocky River to Fremont Mileage: 78 Route 230 is a scenic alternative to the previously mentioned Route 30. It hugs the Lake Erie shoreline as much as possible from Lake Road in Rocky River all the way through Sandusky. It ends in Fremont, where cyclists can rejoin US Bicycle Route 30 and continue toward Toledo.
8) US Bicycle Route 44 -- Massillon to Fort Wayne, Ind. Mileage: 196 Major trails included: Sippo Valley Trail Future expansion: Plans are for this route to run from Ohio to Davenport, Iowa. This bike route starts in Massillon at the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail. It travels west on the Sippo Valley Trail and then joins rural roads including the old Lincoln Highway all the way out to Fort Wayne, Ind. What were the existing U.S. Bicycle Routes in Ohio? US Bicycle Route 50 -- Indiana border to West Virginia border Mileage: 309 Major trails included: Prairie Grass Trail, Camp Chase Trail, Alum Creek Trail, Wolf Creek Trail Future expansion: This route will cross America with an eastern terminus in Delaware and a western terminus in California This route traverses Ohio and allows riders to see the state’s forests and farmlands alike. Beginning in Jackson Township on the Indiana border, it crosses Dayton and Columbus to arrive at Steubenville on the West Virginia border. Around 45% of this route is on bike trails. US Bicycle Route 50A (Alternate) Mileage: 28 This alternate route north of USBR 50 provides some other trail opportunities for travelers along the Indiana to West Virginia route. Specifically, it includes the Genoa Trail, Hoover Scenic Trail and the Thomas J. Evans Trail
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